
30 Jul 2009

Firefox 3 Spectacular, 8 Million Downloads in 24 Hours

Mozilla Firefox, a popular web browsers used by internet users released version 3 of the application. Version of label awaited by the fans waiting for this record for the highest download an application.
Campaign Firefox 3 is "removed" to the public on 18 June 2008 successfully carried out yesterday by Mozilla. Through 8 million downloads within 24 hours, the Mozilla successfully pass their initial target is 5 million downloads. This strengthens the Mozilla to get the award from the 'Guinness Book of World Records' as the most applications in the download in 24 hours.
According to latest data, from the amount of 8 million users who download Firefox version 3, and 2 million of which is the users who come from the United States, followed by Germany, Japan, and Spain. Mozilla is also making the campaign "the party download" in which a number of countries to create an event for the Firefox 3 version of this with the gathered together.
Firefox version 3.0 is one of the applications that wait-awaited and discussed in many discussions on the Internet. According to several sources, Firefox version 3 is a significant change compared with previous versions, especially in the areas of performance of the browser itself. According to the claims Mozilla, Firefox 3 has a feature-such as the main feature is better security, performance parsing HTML and Javascript which is faster, and decrease memory usage significantly.
Successful campaign "Download Day" from Mozilla is not irrespective of their strategy to reach users at the grassroots. Mozilla is a self-inclusive for everyone to participate and contribute to the development of Firefox. This is different from the open-source projects in general, where only a number of developers, software developers are contributing. SpreadFirefox through the portal, users can become an important part of the project in Firefox.

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1. Google Chrome - Installer Offline
2. Mozilla Firefox 3.5.1
3. Design Mozilla Firefox 4
4. Dangerous Rift in Firefox 3.5
5. Google Chrome Juli 2009
6. Safari 4, The Faster Browser

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