
1 Okt 2009

Google Translate Gadget Blog

Google has created a Gadget Translator again that we know to translate the language and this time quite spectacular. Translator Gadget is quite different from its predecessor versions, because there are 53 languages that can be translated with this gadget and the result is fantastic compared to the other translator gadget.
This gadget is still very new at all, because only in this week launched by Google and can be used for websites or blogs. If you want to use it, how easy enough, please visit Please follow these steps :

1. In, select the language of your webpage.

2. On 'Choose optional settings', please select 'Specific languages' and 'Check All'.

3. Copy and paste this snippet of code into your webpage or blog.

If you still feel confused to install the HTML code / Javasript, follow these steps:

1. Login into your webpage or blog.
2. Select Layout Menu, then choose Edit HTML.
3. Search this code :

<div id='midsidebar-wrapper'>

If you want to install it on the left sidebar. Or search this code :

<div id='rightsidebar-wrapper'>

If you want to install it on the right sidebar.

4. Place the following code under the code :

<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({
pageLanguage: 'en'
}, 'google_translate_element');

5. Save your template and try to see your webpage or blog.

On the toolbar your webpage or blog can be seen Translate Gadget, like the following :

And the sidebar your webpage or blog, there are gadgets like the following :

I make sure that you will like this Translator gadget.

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